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Gingerbread DIY Bath Bombs


  • 1 Cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 Cup Epsom Salt
  • 1/2 Cup Cornstarch
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Ginger
  • 1/2 Cup Citric Acid
  • 2 tsp Water
  • 1 tbsp Molasses
  • 2 tsp Jojoba Oil


  1. Mix baking soda, Epsom salt, cornstarch, and ginger, in a medium-sized bowl.

  2. In jar or small bowl, combine water, molasses, and jojoba oil. This will take a bit of effort to mix well since you are combining water and oil.

  3. Once liquid ingredients are well mixed, pour the liquid mixture into the bowl of dry ingredients.

  4. Use your hands to combine and squish together. The mixture will seem quite dry, but that’s okay. 

  5. Add the citric acid. It may begin to fizz a bit. This is just the citric acid reacting to the moisture.

  6. Fill each mini-muffin section with bath bomb mix. You will want these to be slightly overfilled. Push down to pack the bath bomb mix in. You want this as compact as possible.

  7. Leave overnight to harden. Depending on the moisture and humidity in your home, you might find they have “risen” a bit overnight. This is fine. If you have packed them well, you will be able to pop them right out of the muffin tin or mold.

  8. This is optional, but I like to leave them out of the mold overnight, so they are 100% packed and dried.

  9. Be sure to store the Gingerbread DIY Bath Bombs in an air tight container.

    For even more longevity wrap each bath bomb in plastic wrap first. This will also help them to retain their shape.

  10. To use, add 1 – 3 bath bombs to your warm bathwater. The Epsom salts are healing and the citric acid and baking powder will add a nice fizz to your water. Enjoy the scent of fresh gingerbread while you relax!